A Photo Community of Practice and Learning

We are a community of photographers, artists, journalists, educators and friends focusing on long form visual storytelling, with an emphasis on building shared learning structures and connections. Since our first workshop in 2020 our community continues to grow.  


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Email: info@tacet-eye.com 
Instagram: @tacet.eye

Student Testimonials


Clare Grant, Tacet Eye Core Workshop, 2023-2024

This workshop helped me slow down with my work. To be less calculated and feel the moment more.

This workshop was unlike anything I've ever participated in. From past experiences, I've left workshops feeling inspired, but have never felt like I took away tangible next steps or accountability to continue and improve upon the work I had already begun. I have felt so lost, directionless and scattered in my process the past couple of years, stuck on what's next for me. The amount of clarity and support I feel in moving forward is truly invaluable to me. Thank you Sarah, Jenny and Brian for not only creating such an honest and safe space for us, but for also sharing with us your time, talent and energy.”

Gavin McIntyre, Tacet Eye Core Workshop 2023-2024

Annika Beaulieu, workshop alumni 2020

Do I show the hard stuff, or remain in a space of cultural celebration?  This whole class has really helped me articulate that struggle and help me frame a path forward - at times this felt a little bit like group therapy for photographers. I have rarely encountered so much personal attention and consideration from a workshop in the past.

It felt so refreshing to have a new vision on my work and constructive
feedback. It came at a perfect time and I feel much more confident now to continue the work.

I was surprised by the diversity of work presented and talent of everyone, unfolding throughout
the workshop. This has been a great refresher of everything I’ve missed from being in a community and working with other students.

This was an opening to new ways of seeing work and approaching my project, more specifically tailored to long term work. A lot of what was said resonated with my own experience -where I felt I was navigating in the dark, so it was incredibly helpful to realise that this is the process and we are all going through the same hurdles.

Olivia Fernandez, workshop alumni, 2020

Hannah Yoon, workshop alumni 2020

This course went above and beyond my expectations.  

I thought I'd be focused on my reentry project and making that the best project possible. I easily fall into a pragmatic mindset when approaching work, and this course challenged that.

I could not have predicted the Washington Post opportunity to come out of this and I will forever be grateful for the space you created for me to get there!

The growth that came from this course can't really be measured, but I feel it.

I'm feeling so inspired and re-energized to push myself with my work--both aesthetically and in narrative. I feel like I have a much deeper understanding of how to craft visual stories -and a new-found sense of discovery and creativity, even for straightforward assignments. I'm so thankful to the instructors for reminding me that it's ok to get weird and play around.

I also want to thank you for building this amazing group. Everyone here had so much to offer, as photographers and as human beings, and I'm so thrilled to be connected with them. Before starting this class I wrote to you about wanting to find community, mentorship and inspiration and I truly feel like I've found those things here. This was a really special experience and I'm so glad I joined in.

Anne Wernikoff, workshop alumni 2020